The ‘Tupperware Lid’ Box

When I was growing up, we had designated cabinets in the kitchen for everything, like most other house holds. But there was always one cabinet, however, that has been the bane of my existence. The Tupperware cabinet.

you know what I'm talking bout!

You know what I’m talking bout!

It was always the smallest off all the cabinets-no matter where we lived. It was like playing fucking Tetris, getting plastic bowls and containers to fit just right. And considering it also was always a cabinet above the counter, you had to be on fleek with your counter climbing skills as a kid-it was petrifying.

But that wasn’t the worst part of the Tupperware Games. No sir. Stacking containers at an elevation of 3 feet is nothing compared to dodging the avalanche of lids that would come down on your face when you opened the cabinet. And it didn’t matter if you stacked that shit with a brick on top-those lids fell EVERY SINGLE TIME. And it’s not just me! I’ve seen this happen in other households-to other PEOPLE!!! It’s a world wide crisis!


This visual makes me jumpy just looking at it

When I moved out and started a home of my own, I vowed that I would never have this kind of travesty in my house. Never again would I be victimized by an onslaught of plastic lids trying to escape their cabinet of imprisonment.

My first step to prevent such a massacre was to put the Tupperware in a cabinet UNDER the counter. This proved beneficial for 3 reasons:

1. If those lids decide to stampede from their home-it’s not going to be in mine or anyone else’s face.

2. My daughter will not have to know the angst of warily balancing on a kitchen counter, trying to avoid a broken arm or leg as she puts away a Tupperware bowl.

3. (And the best reason) I can I can sit on my ass while I put away the Tupperware. *Score*

So now the I’ve solved the location issue of my dilemma, I am faced with the hardest and most challenging part of the mission: the lids.

You can’t stack them, because, honestly-who has all the same brand, and same size lids to stack? You can try, but they are slippery fuckers and will slide all over your cabinet-creating havoc when packing up leftovers from dinner. Or worse, leftovers from THANKSGIVING!!!!

That’s why I put together this God forsaken abomination I call, the “Tupperware Lid Box

Don't judge...

Don’t judge…

Yes…that is a shoe box…held together by decorative duct tape (thanks Kid). My husband, Red, once claimed to be embarrassed by my make shift storage container for storage container lids.  I told him to bend over and I’d put the storage container lids in a new place.  He now thinks it’s a brilliant idea that should be posted on Pinterest.

But, seriously-It’s not exactly a structurally safe holder of lids. What if it finally bursts through the tie dyed duct tape and sends a lid flying across the room into someone’s head? The ab muscles alone, that I could pull from laughing my ass off, make me cautious of this storage device.

And I mean, yeah-Pinterest has some pretty cool things you can do to store your lids. And I just may chop down some wood, and construct myself a wooden, one of a kind, distressed Tupperware lid holder with my initials on the outside.  OR I may even one day spend the $2.99 on one of those fancy plastic bins with a front for a label that says “Storage Container Lids“…you know-in case you don’t see the storage container lids.

But for now this is what I am working with.  What can I say-it’s better than the catastrophe that is my junk drawer…

Don't even get me started.

Don’t even get me started.